“MULTIGRAM” – (from the Latin. Multi – a lot, and Greek. Gram – sign, line) – is a novelty in the world of holography.

We created and began to produce “Multigrams” in 2014. Creating them, we have created a highly protected product that will guarantee the authenticity and originality of your product and brand. However, it is still easy to use and does not require any special requirements.

Currently, the process of production and creating a significantly streamlined and improved. In terms of its protective properties, Multigram surpasses all of its “predecessors” and analogues existing in the market. Today, on such a hologram you can apply any number and any combination of protective elements (kinetic effects, color coding, moire effects, micro-texts, guilloche nets, hidden images and much more). Applied still as easy and without difficulty. It can be glued to the product manually, with manual and automatic applicators. Also, like all “predecessors”, “Multigram” is a self-adhesive label.
Possessing a huge set of protective properties, the Multigram cannot be falsify, imitated and copied.
You will not find a similar hologram in the world, because “Multigrams” is an exclusive development of the Hologram Factory Gammagrafik Ltd.